In 1982 I began a beauty course – it was something I had a fascination for, wasn’t my first choice of career, but I didn’t make the height restriction for the Police Force!
After I topped my classes I was offered a position in Cessnock, somewhat of a drive for me but I snapped up the challenge to get out of being laid off at the job I had.
I took over a position in a hair salon where the previous beautician had left. Had the owner told me the truth and said she had opened 4 doors up I might have not bothered in taking on the challenge. It was a case of do or die.
So, I stayed and tried to establish myself. It wasn’t easy and it was filled with errors and mountains to climb. I made it through, doing many courses on hair, beauty, make up, alternate health and business strategies. I became a sponge, absorbing every ounce of knowledge I could learn about in my industry with goals and ideas I couldn’t contain. There were so many.
I became the first at many things, introducing services that were not available such as:
- Artificial nail artist
- Reflexology and Aromatherapy massage and colour therapy
- A weekly blog for the local newspaper
- Naturopathy with Vitamin range and weight loss
- Go 30 Nail Prescription
- Quit Cigarettes in 60 Minutes Hypnotherapy and NLP programming
- Nit Busters Head Lice Treatment and home retail
- Hairy Tales Kids Salon and pamper parties
- Ark Essential products for humans and animals
- Author of Kids books and kids products for The Ark
Some things fade out and others take off, but in business you need to be versatile and ready to take on what is needed as you farewell and make changes in other areas.
So let’s skip and jump to today!
It’s almost 40 years since I took over the original Salon under a different name. But here we are, The Ark Hair & Beauty Salon, incorporating Hairy Tales @ The Ark: a kids salon, Nit Busters Head Lice treatment Salon (trademarked), Ark Essentials (our umbrella for all our products, such as Nit Busters, Neigh More Itch and Fle-a -Way), the kids product range and Edens paradise.
I have served many people in this community for 4 decades now; some are still customers. Along the way we have had to farewell many a treasured client, after all we don’t live forever. It has indeed been a joy to interact with so many thousands of people over the years.
Staff come and go, clients come and go and move interstate. But when they are in town, they head straight to us. I have watched babies grow up and get married and then they bring their babies in for their first cut. Not to mention those who now have grand babies!
I treasure every moment, every laugh, every success and I love it so much I just can’t take myself away from it. Everyone is welcome. We will work to please you and assist wherever we can.
I hope we will see you soon!